
Startup Week is a free, five-day celebration of the Fort Collins community that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship. It’s led by local entrepreneurs and hosted in amazing spaces all over town.

Podcasts have become quite popular in recent years due to the low startup cost and large audience reach. This year, Startup Week brought in William to talk about how to start a podcast to grow your business.

William gave an hour presentation which gave an overview on how to start podcasting and how it helps grow your business. The workshop covered the basics of starting with an idea, planning out episodes, getting the right recording equipment, finding a media host, and getting it published. He also went into detail about how to get your first listeners. The presentation was made available to the attendees at the end of the workshop.


Fort Collins Startup Week


Podcast Presentation

What We Did

Marketing Presentation

The WellAttended Podcast

William hosts a weekly theatre and event marketing podcast for producers looking to increase their ticket sales. William interviews today’s most successful event producers, so that you can learn new ways to promote your shows. Each episode ends with actionable advice that you immediately use to increase ticket sales.

Hire William for your next conference