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Denver MagicianDenver Mentalist

A Standing Ovation at the Denver Magic Show

By April 8, 2019No Comments
William Rader Avenue Grill in Denver

I had a blast producing and performing in April’s Denver Magic Show. This month, we rearranged the seats so that we had two rows in a semi-circle. This allowed us to perform close-up magic that was visible to everyone in attendance. As you can see from the photos, we had a full house. The room seats 30 attendees, so everyone who attends can participate in the magic.

Here is a short recap of the evening:

I opened the show by performing a few of my favorite classics in magic. This included the cups and balls, linking rings, balls and net, a coin matrix, and a mental mystery which included a guessing game with coins. The two rows really helped the audience see everything (except the secrets).

Gregg Tobo closed the show with mathematics, memory, and skill. He memorized a deck of cards, showed the audience how to get free beer, and demonstrated how he memorized over 1,000 digits of pi. The most impressive part of the show was when Gregg solved a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, and he received a spontaneous standing ovation.

The Denver Magic Show is the first Thursday of every month in the El Dorado Room at the Avenue Grill (630 E 17th Ave) in Denver. Our next show is Thursday, May 2nd at 7:30pm. You can park for free in the lot across from the restaurant on 17th Avenue.

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